
Tuesday, 23 August 2011

a "chilling" effect on Article 5 under the European court of human rights

truly terrifyingly significant "The document sheds significant light on the Met's processes and could explain why people accused of apparently minor offences such as theft of small items or receipt of stolen goods were not cautioned. They included a 23-year old student with no previous convictions who was refused bail and then sentenced to six months in prison for stealing a £3.50 bottle of water."

weymouth fireworks 2011

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Iceland an important and extraordinary example

"Contrary to what could be expected, the crisis resulted in Icelanders recovering their sovereign rights, through a process of direct participatory democracy that eventually led to a new Constitution. But only after much pain."

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

that petition is closed, sorry, his is closed, why the feck did I only just hear about it? when did @Katharine Tatum start the petition? does she want help promoting the next one, just spent an hour monitoring the stats before I noticed the closing date... grrr new petition soon, want a good cause promoting, let me know, sooner rather than later

RT @theonewhoistall: please sign this if you're against nuclear power in the UK... why wouldn't you be?

doh!, not just UK but anywhere, especially europe if being sellfishish

Sunday, 14 August 2011

future crime already being predicted

minority report? anyone? "and ONSET, a Home Office system that predicts whether youngsters will go on to become criminals."

WARNING-Police state is nearly here

"Most worryingly of all, we are seeing a steady trail of bodies of those 'executed' by British police. Innocent and / or unarmed, individuals are being shot first and few questions answered afterwards. Many police, military, ex special forces and Judges are now waking up to this threat. But the key factor in dealing with this dangerous spread of private armies on our streets is to remove the criminal elite nesting in parliament. The immediate start is to expose them for what they are and what they are really doing. Tell a friend fast. Discuss it with your local 'Bobbies.' The majority are still good people, who have no idea how they are being taken as fools by David Cameron, and his cross party traitors. We have been warned. Now we must act. Tell a friend."

Well said Russell Brand

"That daily, hourly, incessantly enforces the egregious, deceitful message that you are what you wear, what you drive, what you watch and what you watch it on, in livid, neon pixels. The only light in their lives comes from these luminous corporate messages. No wonder they have their fucking hoods up."

please vote for this amazing hat

pretty hoopy, I think it needs a wireless ip cam and gps, but I'm a geeek. Please vote for the hat, if I see you and you can prove you voted, I'll buy you a drink. (just print the success dislogue and keep a copy on you for the rest of your life) cheers!

Friday, 12 August 2011

German Example Shows Way Out of Debt Crisis

Almost all the industrialized economies are struggling under the weight of enormous debt levels. The problem is their government revenues are too low. Debt-ridden countries like the United States, Ireland and Japan need to raise their taxes to a similar level to Germany.

Why police were so soft on London looters: They 'were ordered to stand and observe' Read more:

Yard insiders: Officers were 'told just to try and contain violence'

Complaints by public that looting mobs were being allowed to continue

Tactics finally changed on Monday as armoured vehicles moved in

Met Police took three days to issue pictures of offenders

Read more:

Tell Cameron: NO WAY!

Prime Minister Cameron,

As residents of the UK and from around the world, we call upon you to ensure that Twitter, Blackberry, and our social networks remain open and accessible at all times. The use of violence is to be rejected, but must not come at the expense of our basic right of communication.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Police Were Ordered To Stand Down As London Burned

that's what it looked like...

"This has now been confirmed by sources within Scotland Yard who said police were ordered to “stand and observe” even as brazen acts of violent crime were committed against both people and private property, a directive which prevented them from arresting any of the troublemakers."

An Open Letter to David Cameron’s Parents

this is great, really pust things in perspective and highlights extreme hypocrisy... Saw it on fb when a friend posted but spookily the link didn't work...

a sample

"Or Hazel Blears, who was interviewed in full bristling peahen mode for almost all of last night. She once forgot which house she lived in, and benefited to the tune of £18,000. At the time she said it would take her reputation years to recover. Unfortunately not.

But, of course, this is different. This is just understandable confusion over the rules of how many houses you are meant to have as an MP. This doesn’t show the naked greed of people stealing plasma tellies."

UK riots, their context and the disturbing response...

an excellent article on the current riot situation in the UK and it's underlying causes. It also highlights the equally distressing broader public reaction, people mindlessly clamouring for martial law, even more of a police state, and further erosion of their human rights

"I used to think that any efforts by the government to bring about a full-blown police state in the UK would meet with failure. I used to think that people were inherently protective of their rights and that they were capable of taking a step back even when presented with something shocking and emotionally charged such as the recent riots and use their common sense to weigh up their response with a sense of proportion. I used to think that there was some truth to the old idiom, “Cooler heads will prevail”. Now it seems painfully clear that, given the right justification, the vast majority of people in this country will welcome a police state with open arms. They don’t care about the real causes of such riots – the huge rise in child poverty, police brutality and rising unemployment rates – which affect communities where such rioting breaks out. That would entail a degree of social responsibility and compassion for those less fortunate which sadly appears completely beyond them."

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

tottenham riots, police brutality

Ballistic analysis now confirms that the bullet found in the radio was actually fired from a police issued firearms which means that the police shot their own radio to plant evidence to support their story to cover up their brutal execution of the man.

The incident is also a black eye to the corporate media which has ignored numerous reports about the circumstances surrounding the man’s death. Instead they have repeatedly acted as a stenographer for the government reporting the man’s death was a result of a gun fight with the police.

Monday, 8 August 2011

Tottenham riots - the truth

the truth about how the tottenham riots started, I saw this reported on the night but strangely it hasn't been mentioned since...